Jubilee Pool: The Penzance Lido Pool

Jubilee Pool is one of Cornwall's most interesting attraction! In Summer 2019, the pool will have a geothermal section too. Find Jubilee Pool in Penzance in Cornwall.

Jubilee Pool, Penzance, Cornwall

When you think of Cornwall, you probably think of beaches, surfing and stunning coastal walks rather than a 1930's saltwater, cubist inspired lido. Since the Jubilee Pool reopened it's doors after a refurbishment in 2016 it may now be known as one of the coolest attractions in the county. 

The sea water pool can be found jutting out of the towns harbour along the eastern side of the promenade in Penzance with views over the famous St Michaels Mount and the picturesque fishing village of Newlyn.

Jubilee Pool, Penzance, Cornwall

We visited the pool on a perfect summers day - the sun was shining, with skies clear of clouds and the temperature had reached a high of 29 degrees. It was the first weekend in August so granted, it was very busy but nether less the atmosphere was amazing. Rather than being 20 minutes away from home, I felt like I was on holiday. 

Jubilee Pool, Penzance, Cornwall

The enclosed life guarded pool means that it's a safer swimming option for those with young children - banishing all worries so parents can kick back and relax. With cubist style changing rooms and high white walls protect swimmers from offshore winds as well as giving it that 1930's feel.

Jubilee Pool, Penzance, Cornwall

After spending a few hours topping up our tan we walked to the poolside cafe for a spot of lunch. The cafe offers a range of pastries, sandwiches and burgers plus fresh fruit juice and alcoholic drinks. I'm a big seafood lover so the crab brioche bun was a no brainer and a glass of pinot certainly didn't go amiss!

Jubilee Pool, Penzance, Cornwall

The Jubilee Pool is currently under some very exciting changes! Visitors will be able to enjoy a section of the pool which will be heated using geothermal energy while the majority of the pool will maintain its normal temperature. It will be one of the first of it's kind in the UK and also means that the pool will stay open for longer than it's current season - another win for Cornwall!

Jubilee Pool, Penzance, Cornwall

If you're visiting Cornwall, or a local looking for something a little bit different to the beach, then I couldn't recommend the Jubilee Pool enough - with the current changes, I'm more than excited to revisit the pool in the near future!

For more information on the Jubilee Pool, then check out their website here

Jubilee Pool, Penzance, Cornwall

Open from May - September 1030AM-7PM.

Late openings until 8PM on Tuesdays through August. 

Jubilee Pool, Battery Road, Penzance. Cornwall, UK, TR18 4FF 

*The trip was provided by Jubilee Pool/MasseyTravel for promotional purposes but all views are my own.*